Hog Island
From the moment one arrives at the parking lot to take a boat over to Hog Island, the combination of the sense of history underneath one’s feet, hearing the call of an osprey, seeing the mezmerizing movement of the waves and feeling the way the wind wraps around you provides a definite sense of peace.

Team bonding
One afternoon we rowed in to Harbor Island from the main boat we had taken to photograph Atlantic Puffins. It was a great time for some team bonding as we ate lunch then took a hike around the island. Many of us in the group took full advantage of the additional opportunity to hang out together as we also photographed some stunning scenery.
A Wide Variety of Birds
Learning about new species is part of the process and there are so many opportunities to explore!
Meeting Derrick Z. Jackson
As an unexpected surprise, we had an opportunity to speak with Derrick Z. Jackson, co-author/photographer of the Project Puffin: The Improbable Quest to Bring a Beloved Seabird Back to Egg Rock book. He gave us some tips for us to use while out photographing the Atlantic Puffins we would be seeing the next day.