Black and white warbler - Duranceau Park, Ohio

Bluebird - Goose Pond, Indiana

Yellow warbler - Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge

Osprey Hebron Fish Hatchery

Magnolia Warbler Metzger Marsh Wildlife Area Curtice, Ohio

Screech Owl Appalachia Ohio Alliance Property

Palm Warbler Duranceau Park Hilliard, Ohio

Chestnut-Sided Warbler Metzger Marsh Curtice, Ohio

Sandhill Cranes Jasper-Pulaski Medaryville, Indiana

Northern Harrier Goose Pond Linton, Indiana

Snowy Owl Alum Creek State Park Galena, Ohio

Black-throated Blue Warbler Metzger Marsh Curtice, Ohio

Bay-breasted Warbler Metzger Marsh Curtice, Ohio

Nashville Warbler Duranceau Park Hilliard, Ohio

Red-headed Woodpeckers Hoover Reservoir Coluumbus, Ohio

Prothonotary Warbler Duranceau Park Hilliard, Ohio

Blackpoll Warbler Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge Oak Harbor, Ohio

American Tree Sparrow Killdeer Plains Harpster, Ohio

Black and White Warbler Duranceau Park Hilliard, Ohio

Atlantic Puffin Eastern Egg Rock Hog Island Audubon Camp, Maine

Prothonotary Warbler Hoover Reservoir Galena, Ohio

Great Blue Heron Rookery near Bainbridge, Ohio

Kirtland's Warbler Magee Marsh Oak Harbor, Ohio

Bald Eagle Lock and Dam 14 LeClaire, Iowa

A Red-eyed Vireo checks out a Yellow Warbler nest. Magee Marsh Oak Harbor, Ohio

Screech Owl Kiwanis Riverway Park Dublin, Ohio

Ruby-throated Hummingbird Huffman Prairie Flying Field Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio

Atlantic Puffin Audubon Camp while I was an Instructor Hog Island, Maine

Short-eared Owl Pickaway County, Ohio

Merlin Green Lawn Cemetery Columbus, Ohio

Northern Gannet Bonaventure Island, Quebec, Canada